Temporal series applied to software of triage of emergencies

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José Luis Pérez Rojas
Luis Stalin López Telenchana


The present research study was carried out at the Alfredo Noboa Hospital in the city of Guaranda, the objective of this is to validate the contribution of the Triage software implemented, through a time series analysis. The types of research guides were: bibliographic, quasi-experimental, inductive and longitudinal. The techniques used to gather information correspond to the survey applied to hospital staff and the interview to administrative staff. The results of the investigation showed a notable decrease in time in relation to the manual system used before. Patients categorized within the red priority went from waiting 11.74 seconds (s) to waiting 8.42 seconds (s) to be treated, those with orange priority from 24.8 s to 14.44 s, the yellow priority passed from 73.81 s to 60.16s, the priority green step of 84.48s to 68.49 and the blue priority step of 229.52s to 181.49s. Despite verifying that the Triage times are increasingly sticking to national and international standards (MSP-WHO), these may be lower at the time when hospital staff acquires skill in handling.


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How to Cite
Pérez Rojas, J. L., & López Telenchana, L. S. (2020). Temporal series applied to software of triage of emergencies. Ciencia Digital, 4(1), 156-164. https://doi.org/10.33262/cienciadigital.v4i1.1087


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