Integration of management systems in the metalworking industry
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Introduction: in a globalized world subject to dizzying changes, metal-mechanic industries strive to achieve competitive capacity, minimize negative environmental impacts, and control labor risk levels, through the design and deployment of a combination of business strategies. Objectives: the objective of this research is to develop a guide for the implementation of an integrated management system for a generic industry of the metal-mechanic sector, using internationally recognized standards and methodologies that contribute to the satisfaction of stakeholders. Methodology: this study has a qualitative, descriptive, and transversal approach, involving a diagnosis of the metal-mechanic sector in the province of Azuay-Ecuador, the selection of an integration model and the development of an implementation guide. The first phase of the study involved a bibliographic search in scientific databases, followed by a quantification of the size of the economic sector under investigation; subsequently, a Web research was carried out through intentional probabilistic sampling to estimate the number of companies certified under international standards; in the second phase, an implementation guide for an integrated management system for a metal-mechanic industry was developed under the guidelines of the high-level annex, the continuous improvement cycle and the normative clauses of the systems to be integrated. Results: This research developed a guide for the implementation of an integrated management system for a generic metal-mechanic industry, under the standards of ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001. Conclusions: one of the strategies to contribute to the efficiency, competitiveness and adequate legal compliance of the metal-mechanic productive sector is the adoption of an integrated management system, articulating to ISO 9001 the non-common requirements of ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. General area of study: administration. Specific area of study: management.
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