Massage therapies for the prophylaxis of the side epicondylitis injury of the elbow linked to the sports practice of Paralympic table tennis athletes of the Provincial Mayabeque academy

This work deals with the prophylaxis of the side epicondylitis lesion of the elbow, a topic of great importance in Paralyctable table tennis of the Provincial Mayabeque academy. Our goal is to select massage therapies for the prophylaxis of the side epicondylititis lesion of the elbow linked to the sports practice of table tennis athletes, ACLIFIM and ANSOC. This research allows us to work the prophylaxis of the injury from massage therapies which will have as fundamental elements the therapeutic massage and points to be treated with digitopuntura. For the elaboration of this work we rely on the review of the literature related to the subject, the observation of the training process and participation in the national arbitration course. Table tennis classification with the aim of obtaining information about the occurrence of such injury and actions that are performed during the training for the prophylaxis of the same, the individual survey of trainers and Arbitrators classifiers in order to know the most common injury during the training process and the pathways for prophylaxis of it and the statistical-mathematical method that allowed us to perform the percentage calculation of the behavior of all the incidents that occurred during the observation and the survey. With this work we hope to achieve better physical and psychic harmony on the part of practitioners so therapeutic massage therapies and digitopuntura will largely help to acquire a good physical conditioning and in this way decrease gradually cases of side-elbow epicondylitis injury in the Mesa Tennis team of the ACLIFIM and ANSOC of the Mayabeque Provincial


Eugenio Rodolfo González Pérez


Massage for high blood pressure in the aging process from Physical Culture

The advances in science and technology have made the 21st century the information century, which has its impact on the field of Therapeutic Physical Culture. Therapeutic massage manipulation therapies have been introduced that allow to generate, solve and exchange information about the result in their use of these therapies, promoting a significant socialization of the use of them, to which the Education.

The author proposes, as a general objective, to apply Massage for the control of high blood pressure in the aging process since the Physical Culture


The application of the massage was formed, in three stages: diagnostic stage, selection of manipulation techniques and validation stage of techniques that allow the planning of manipulation therapy for those affected.

The diagnosis included surveying 21 specialists. A pre-experimental minimum control study was conducted with pretest-postest for a single descriptive cutting group of a holistic nature, in a sample of 31 patients. The subjects attended the Medical Office 21 of Guines, where they were performed initial, intermediate and final assessments at the conclusion of the application of handling techniques.

Adults who received the massage showed adaptive responses, and improved in all evaluated indicators, eliminated signs and symptoms, and improved performance in daily life activities. The specialists who valued and validated the techniques considered it very suitable, novel, effective and of social use

Eugenio Rodolfo González Pérez, Carlos Manuel Fuentes Martinez, Adriana Mederos González
