El Blog como Herramienta Didáctica en el proceso de Enseñanza Aprendizaje de Estudios Sociales

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Christian Troya Torres
Juan Carlos Quishpe Cusi
Fidel Parra Balza


In recent times the technology has come to change some ways of thinking in human beings, in ancient times it was very rudimentary, with the appearances of instruments which man could have changed life on earth over the years were born the technologies and this came to evolve the world everything is now very fast and very modern, education is part of the modern changes, the classes were taught in a classroom of slate and ink markers, now see as digital tools have legacy to incorporate new learning s process where there is active participation and interaction between teachers, students and society in general. That is why there is this scientific article, with the aim of creating an educational Blog as a teaching tool to enhance educational processes in the field of social studies for students in ninth year of the Educational Unit "Juan Montalvo" of the City of Quito, Ecuador. Its methodological development was based on techniques such as observation, survey, the index cards, lincografias, hemerografias and mnemonics, which helped in the creation, design and structure of the blog, as well as the registration of information in the platform and validation of the resource according to the perspective of teachers and students. According to the results, it was concluded that teachers considered useful implementation of the educational blog, for the support and strengthening, which provides to the learning process; while students showed motivation in carrying out the activities, through interaction with the platform and learning in the achievement of the knowledge community.


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How to Cite
Troya Torres, C., Quishpe Cusi, J. C., & Parra Balza, F. (2019). El Blog como Herramienta Didáctica en el proceso de Enseñanza Aprendizaje de Estudios Sociales. Explorador Digital, 3(4), 29-42. https://doi.org/10.33262/exploradordigital.v3i4.913


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