GoConqr digital educational resource in the process of teaching entrepreneurship and management

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Raissa Katherine Bravo Santín
Lila Maribel Morán Borja
Rosa Roxana Chiquito Chilán


Introduction: this article titled “GoConqr Digital Educational Resource in the teaching process of the entrepreneurship subject.” Goconqr is an online educational platform that offers a variety of tools and resources to enhance the learning experience of students. Objectives: determine the feasibility of using the GoConqr digital resource in the teaching and learning process of the area of ​​entrepreneurship and management in the first year of Bachelor of Science students of the José Pedro Varela educational unit. Methodology: a descriptive study was applied that allowed us to analyze this educational resource, using a mixed approach based on various techniques, such as direct observation and a survey of students to evaluate the feasibility of the digital resource in question. Results: Based on the methods mentioned above, it was possible to determine that most first-year Baccalaureate students in the Educational Unit of the study considered that technological resources are useful for the learning process. Furthermore, when using GoConqr, it was possible to observe the ease of use of this resource and how it can contribute to the organization of content, the inclusion of mind maps, slides and other interactive resources in the subject of entrepreneurship and management. Conclusions: it has been demonstrated that GoConqr is suitable for the teaching process of the subject of entrepreneurship and management, since it encourages collaboration and interaction between students, presenting interactive, innovative and easy-to-use features, becoming a useful tool for the management of individual and collective work, offering various resources and possibilities to organize content, promote collaborative learning and visualize information in a different way. General area of ​​study: Education. Specific study area: Digital environments.


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How to Cite
Bravo Santín, R. K., Morán Borja, L. M., & Chiquito Chilán, R. R. (2024). GoConqr digital educational resource in the process of teaching entrepreneurship and management . Explorador Digital, 8(2), 145-163. https://doi.org/10.33262/exploradordigital.v8i2.3099


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