Is malnutrition an influence on low school performance? A study applied to ninth grade students of the "Juan José Flores" Educational Unit, school year 2022-2023, Sigchos Ecuador

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Gladys Mercedes Trávez Osorio
Wilma Yolanda Moreno Moreno
Evelin Pamela Tonato Lema
Sonia Verónica Cangui Basantes


Introduction: Malnutrition is the deficiency of food ingested by the body, due to an inappropriate diet and has an influence on the poor school performance of students. Objective: The general objective of this study is to investigate the influence of malnutrition on students' poor school performance. Methodology: The research design was field with an explanatory character, and with a quantitative approach, since this approach uses statistical analysis. Results: The results of this research disagree with the hypothesis proposed, since the data show that the academic interest, assimilation and retention of knowledge by the analyzed students are not linked at all to malnutrition. Conclusion: malnutrition is not the main cause of poor school performance in the group studied. According to BMI/AGE statistics, this group could develop overweight and obesity in the future. In addition, one of the possible causes considered for poor performance is students' lack of interest and lack of responsibility in fulfilling academic activities. General Area of Study: Education. Specific area of study: Learning difficulty. Type of study: literature and field review.


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How to Cite
Trávez Osorio, G. M., Moreno Moreno, W. Y., Tonato Lema, E. P., & Cangui Basantes, S. V. (2024). Is malnutrition an influence on low school performance? A study applied to ninth grade students of the "Juan José Flores" Educational Unit, school year 2022-2023, Sigchos Ecuador. Explorador Digital, 8(2), 124-144.


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