Artificial intelligence in the teaching of electricity technology

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Wilvir Gary Murillo Encarnación
Adrián Javier Vinueza Palacios
Luis Efraín Velastegui López


Introduction: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has had a great and important impact on the teaching of Electrical Technology. With the advancement of AI, tools have been developed that have optimized the way students learn the concepts associated with the subject of electricity. Objectives: The objective of this research is to explore the impact of AI in the teaching of electricity in technological institutes. To support this research, investigative studies were used to capture information such as scientific articles, magazines, books, and theses, with a total of 19 documents from the last eight years, with analysis and execution in Latin America. Methodology: The methodology used has an applied purpose, its scope is descriptive-statistical, type of field data will be used under the non-experimental design of a transversal nature under the inductive scientific method. Results: The result of the survey carried out with a group of students of the Electrical Technology program at the Simón Bolívar Higher Technological Institute (ISTSB) shows that the use of AI for learning the subject electricity enhances the interest in students to graduate and also showed that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is one of the main tools to strengthen this knowledge in teachers and students. Conclusions: It is concluded that the results of the research on the application of AI in education, the planning of strategies for its correct use, thus encouraging the development of our country, by continuing to investigate to develop new applications of AI in the teaching of electrical technology.


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How to Cite
Murillo Encarnación, W. G., Vinueza Palacios, A. J., & Velastegui López, L. E. (2023). Artificial intelligence in the teaching of electricity technology. Explorador Digital, 7(4), 92-108.


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