Influence of interval training on aerobic endurance in soccer players of Orense S.C. training categories

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Ricardo Javier Castro Villarroel
Gilbert Mauricio Vargas Cuenca
Carlos Marcelo Ávila Mediavilla


Interval training focuses on developing, improving the performance of the soccer player both in terms of the ability to make maximum efforts, as this helps to improve their aerobic capacity and to achieve adequate techniques and tactics in this sport. The objective of this is the research is through the application of interval training to improve aerobic resistance in soccer players of the training categories of Orense S.C. This research is of a quasi-experimental type with the application of a pre and post-test the study population is made up of thirty soccer players. The results show that after the application of the tests the soccer players obtained optimal results, improving their speed and resistance. It is concluded that it is necessary to emphasize the development of interval training to obtain positive results.


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How to Cite
Castro Villarroel, R. J., Vargas Cuenca, G. M., & Ávila Mediavilla, C. M. (2023). Influence of interval training on aerobic endurance in soccer players of Orense S.C. training categories. Explorador Digital, 7(2), 26-42.


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