Impact of coordination on the technical foundations of football at the 10 level

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Lenin Darío Muñoz Ochoa
Gilbert Mauricio Vargas Cuenca
Carlos Marcelo


Coordination is the sensory-motor base and the technical fundamentals of soccer, it is of utmost importance that these skills are developed at an early age within the formative stages, since they are the fundamental pillar for the correct execution within this sport practice; in such a way that it contributes to future sport talents. The objective of this study was to determine the incidence of coordination in the technical fundamentals of soccer in the U-10 category. This type of research has a non-experimental design, descriptive scope and cross-sectional with a mixed approach. The study population consisted of 25 athletes; the results obtained showed that, in reference to coordination in general, it is in deficient values, classified as bad; the application of the different tests yielded negative values, in terms of the test of passing accuracy, driving and finishing accuracy, placing it on the scale of bad; there is a low level in its development, necessary for a correct execution of the technical fundamentals of soccer, in relation to the accuracy of passing, driving and finishing accuracy. It is proposed to use exercises aimed at strengthening in a playful way, considering relevant aspects such as the chronological age of the players, to achieve improvement in terms of their motor skills and, therefore, in the technical fundamentals of soccer.


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How to Cite
Muñoz Ochoa, L. D., Vargas Cuenca, G. M., & Carlos Marcelo. (2023). Impact of coordination on the technical foundations of football at the 10 level. Explorador Digital, 7(2), 6-25.


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