Contribution of scientific and technical events to the sustainability of Havana's tourist destination. case studies: Pedagogy 2019 and University 2020 Congresses

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Ailim Sánchez Fernández
Rebeca Olivera Elosegui
Efraín Velastegui López


Last century, humanity began in an organized way to become aware of the limitation of natural resources, their fragility, and the need for their conservation. In this context, the World Tourism Organization promoted the development of sustainable tourism, highlighting the balance between social, economic and environmental objectives. The current epidemiological situation and global awareness have made all tourism activity, including Event Tourism, adopt increasingly sustainable actions. Sustainability is not the same for the different tourism modalities, since the resources, motivations, behaviors, contacts and relationships involved may be totally different. A holistic and sustainable look is imposed on the activity of event management, valued in the first instance by the tourist flows it generates and therefore its income, but in the case of technical scientists - inserted in the knowledge society. Although the concept of sustainability is understood, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the Sustainable Development Goal and its integration into strategies. The general objective is thus defined: Assess the contribution of scientific-technical events to the sustainability of the Havana tourist destination, referenced to the study of the International Congresses Pedagogía 2019 and Universidad 2020. No previous works have been identified that establish conceptual or practical interrelations between the elements previously exposed. So the work is a theoretical and exploratory research and its value lies in the assessment of the attractiveness of the modality in question.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Fernández, A., Olivera Elosegui, R., & Velastegui López, E. (2023). Contribution of scientific and technical events to the sustainability of Havana’s tourist destination. case studies: Pedagogy 2019 and University 2020 Congresses. Explorador Digital, 7(1), 44-63.


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