Superconductivity and magnetism. Basic Smattering and applications

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Isbel Garcés Ramírez
Tomás Espinoza Achong
Thalía Pérez Ramos
Efraín Velasteguí López


Introduction. The accelerated development achieved in society has given rise to the incessant search for feasible resources to avoid environmental pollution, it turns out that the materials superconductors may be precise in the cause. Losing resistance can be many more effective and efficient, also allowing new branches of knowledge to expand. Objective: The objective of this research is to make a compilation of the most important aspects general principles of superconductivity, a physical phenomenon that becomes increasingly relevant to you in the search for ecological development. In addition, to lay the foundations for future research that can reveal the aspects that are not yet known in superconductivity. Methodology: To conduct the compendium of superconductivity, the most general aspects of the subject and for this the bibliography related to the subject was consulted, consulting specialists in different subjects whose information was the basis to enrich this work. Result s: When a volumetric sample loses resistance to a certain temperature critical (Tc) and in that same temperature the Meissner- Ochsenfeld effect is appreciated, we recognize it (only then) as a superconductor. Superconducting materials possess a gain variability in their applications due to their own characteristics. Conclusions: It is characteristic of each superconductor the loss the total loss of resistance at a certain temperature review. The Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect consists in that a sample expels a magnetic flow and, as a result, it floats on a magnet, going into the superconducting state. There are two types of superconductors: Type I superconductors that are not the pure metals or elements that have a complete flow exclusion (Meissner effect) and have temperature values critical (Tc) close to absolute zero, as well as low values of critical magnetic field (Ho and critical current density (Jc): and type II superconductors are alloys or transition metals. The bases of superconductivity are laid in the Bardeen, Coopery, Schrieffer theory (BCS Theory).


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How to Cite
Garcés Ramírez, I., Espinoza Achong, T., Pérez Ramos , T., & Velasteguí López, E. (2022). Superconductivity and magnetism. Basic Smattering and applications. Ciencia Digital, 6(2), 72-86.


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