Incidence of the ludo technical model on agility in high school students
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Introduction: The ludo-technical model is an alternative to traditional teaching methods, focusing on the learning of technical skills from a playful and fun perspective, being useful for inclusive sports initiation, with a structure adaptable to different sports, it is especially useful for sports with complex technical movements. Aim. Therefore. Objective: of the research seeks to contribute to developing a higher level of physical agility in middle school students. Methodology: A methodology was applied with a quasi-experimental design, with a cross-sectional descriptive scope, taking a sample of 67 students from the elementary school of the Carlos Julio Arosemena Tola Educational Unit of the Santa Elena canton, the first group made up of 34 students from the parallel A, experimental group and the second group made up of 33 students from parallel B, control group, using non-probabilistic convenience sampling, the Illinois Agility Test was used. Results: The results show that the students had a better performance in the post-test record, after having taken the second test in which a playful exercise work was carried out in eight weeks, completely improving the agility of these students. Conclusion: It is evident that the application of the ludo-technical model improved in the experimental group during the eight weeks of training, with a general time of 8'59"33 thousandths of a second, below the main assessment of 11'27"37, being demonstrated the importance of this model.
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