Proposal of neuromarketing actions for the tourism promotion of Cuba on the Cubatravel website
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The descriptive exploratory research had the objective of proposing neuromarketing actions for the tourist promotion of the Cuba destination on the Cubatravel website. The consumer's cognitive processes were described: attention, emotion and memory, which determine their behavior in the face of advertising stimuli during the purchase process. Web analytics tools and a survey of digital users were applied on the eye-tracking biometric technique. The qualitative and quantitative were integrated, with multivariate analysis methods. As main results, the portal needs to be improved, essentially its attractiveness, usability and web quality, as it does not meet many of the expectations of its users in terms of promotional effectiveness. The proposed action plan was validated by a group of experts from neuroscience, psychology, tourism and informatics, using the Delphi method and the ANOCHI coefficient as very adequate. It is an added value to the current promotion that is carried out in Cubatravel. The gradual advance in brain research and its understanding will make practical application in the advertising scene foreseeable.
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