Ineffectiveness of the criminal type of psychological violence in the city of Cuenca, province of Azuay, in the first quarter of 2021

Introduction: The prevalence of violence against women over the years has stimulated the establishment of programmers aimed at achieving non-violence against women, at the international level, as well as numerous national and international policy reforms designed to protect women from the violence they suffer. Objectives: The objective is to demonstrate whether this criminalization can be considered as a sufficient response to prevent all types of violence, and even to eradicate it, becoming a true solution to society, by addressing not only a series of preventive policies, but also of care, protection, and reparation of the female victim. Methodology: A quantitative analysis of the cases processed by the Specialized Units on Gender Violence of the Provincial Prosecutor's Office of Azuay was conducted. Results: It was possible to define that the crime typified in the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code of Psychological Violence against Women and Members of the Family Nucleus, in its amended article 157, is not a legal solution that can demonstrate its effectiveness. Conclusions: To encourage victims of psychological violence to report or seek justice, alternative measures should be implemented to promote comprehensive psychological reparation through public policies. General Area of Study: Law. Specific area of study: Gender-based violence.


Ana María Avilés Tenorio, Daniel Eduardo Rafecas


Coaching strategies to improve soft skills in the productive sector of the Cotopaxi province

Introduction: The demands of the current work environment urge organizations to equip their collaborators with certain soft skills that allow them to face new scenarios. In this sense, organizations face the challenge of implementing strategies capable of enhancing the characteristics of each collaborator. or develop those that are significant for their optimal functioning. Objectives: The purpose of this research is to identify the appropriate coaching strategy for the development of soft skills in the productive sector of Cotopaxi. Methodology: A quantitative approach was used, with a descriptive scope, and the temporality is cross-sectional, for which convenience sampling was applied. The instrument used was a questionnaire composed of 16 questions validated by Cronbach's alpha with 0.77, measuring the soft skills of teamwork, leadership, assertive communication, emotional intelligence, and time management. Results: The research findings showed that within the two-to-two combinations between the soft skills indicators, the trends found susceptible to improvement are: assertive communication and time management, assertive communication and leadership, assertive communication and emotional intelligence and intelligence emotional and time management. Conclusions: Behavioral strategies, mental models and group dynamics have been identified as appropriate proposals for the development of soft skills in collaborators in the productive sector of the province of Cotopaxi. General study area: Human Talent. Specific area of ​​study: Human behavior.

Kelly Nicole Punina Salazar, Evelyn Alexandra Tovar Molina, Angelita Elizabeth Romero Poveda, Bryan Marcelo Barragán Pazmiño


The Ecuadorian state and the violation of the integral treatment of reinsertion into society for the prevention and non-recidivism of crime

Introduction. The comprehensive rehabilitation and social reintegration of persons deprived of liberty (PPL) in Ecuador are crucial aspects for society. The impact of this process on this vulnerable group is undeniable, given that it has repercussions at both the individual and collective levels. In this context, it is the primary responsibility of the State to ensure effective compliance with rehabilitation as a preventive measure to reduce recidivism and lower crime rates. However, the effectiveness of the Ecuadorian penitentiary system and the deficient role of the State in the treatment of PPL pose significant challenges.  Objective. The objective of this research is to define the scope of the Ecuadorian penitentiary system and to examine the lack of state efficiency in the treatment of PWPs. It seeks to provide timely tools and mechanisms that can be applied before, during and after the internment of PPL. Through an analytical-synthetic methodological approach and using the bibliographic or documentary technique, information was gathered on the current situation of the penitentiary system and its impact on the PPL, their families and society in general.  Methodology. An exhaustive compilation of information was carried out using the bibliographic or documentary technique. The methodological approach adopted was analytical-synthetic, allowing for a detailed analysis of the situation of the prison system and its influence on the PPL and society as a whole. Various sources were examined in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the system's crisis, especially its origin in the lack of state action. Results. he research findings revealed a serious crisis in the Ecuadorian prison system, mainly attributable to state inaction. This crisis significantly affects the capacity for rehabilitation and social reintegration of the PPL, generating negative consequences for society as a whole. Conclusion. It is imperative that the State adopt timely and adequate measures to strengthen the process of social rehabilitation of PWPs. This implies the effective implementation of public policies, relevant legislation, adequate protocols, technical and economic tools, as well as the execution of projects with rigorous monitoring of the objectives and results obtained. 

Rafael Antonio Córdova Cárdenas, Gina Lucía Gómez de la Torre Jarrín


Indigenous justice as a legal alternative to prison overcrowding in Ecuador

Introduction. In contemporary Ecuador, prison overcrowding has emerged as a critical challenge in the criminal justice system. In the face of this problem, indigenous justice is seen as a promising alternative within the restorative justice paradigm. This research focuses on exploring the feasibility and effects of implementing indigenous justice as a response to overcrowding in Ecuadorian prisons. Objective. The main objective of this research is to examine the relationship between prison overcrowding in Ecuador and the potential outcomes of restorative justice, specifically through the application of indigenous justice principles. It seeks to contextualize both phenomena within the framework of legal pluralism in order to identify opportunities for the effective integration of alternative approaches in the justice system. Methodology. This article was based on a qualitative approach that involved the systematic review of literature related to prison overcrowding in Ecuador, restorative justice practices and outcomes in the country, and the context of legal pluralism. Relevant data were collected and analyzed to assess the magnitude, causes and consequences of overcrowding, as well as the potential advantages of restorative justice, especially in the context of legal diversity. Results. The results reveal the urgent need to adopt alternative approaches, such as restorative justice, to address prison overcrowding in Ecuador. Potential benefits are identified in the application of indigenous justice principles, particularly in terms of reducing recidivism, strengthening social cohesion and respecting cultural diversity. Conclusion. The adoption of restorative justice, in line with legal pluralism, is supported as a viable alternative to prison overcrowding in Ecuador. The importance of considering holistic and culturally sensitive approaches to address the challenges of the criminal justice system is emphasized, recognizing the diversity of legal perspectives and practices in the country. The implementation of indigenous justice represents a significant step towards the transformation of the justice system for the benefit of Ecuadorian society as a whole. 

Walter Mauricio Andrade Padilla, Ana Fabiola Zamora Vázquez
