Coaching strategies to improve soft skills in the productive sector of the Cotopaxi province
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Introduction: The demands of the current work environment urge organizations to equip their collaborators with certain soft skills that allow them to face new scenarios. In this sense, organizations face the challenge of implementing strategies capable of enhancing the characteristics of each collaborator. or develop those that are significant for their optimal functioning. Objectives: The purpose of this research is to identify the appropriate coaching strategy for the development of soft skills in the productive sector of Cotopaxi. Methodology: A quantitative approach was used, with a descriptive scope, and the temporality is cross-sectional, for which convenience sampling was applied. The instrument used was a questionnaire composed of 16 questions validated by Cronbach's alpha with 0.77, measuring the soft skills of teamwork, leadership, assertive communication, emotional intelligence, and time management. Results: The research findings showed that within the two-to-two combinations between the soft skills indicators, the trends found susceptible to improvement are: assertive communication and time management, assertive communication and leadership, assertive communication and emotional intelligence and intelligence emotional and time management. Conclusions: Behavioral strategies, mental models and group dynamics have been identified as appropriate proposals for the development of soft skills in collaborators in the productive sector of the province of Cotopaxi. General study area: Human Talent. Specific area of study: Human behavior.
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