The Ecuadorian state and the violation of the integral treatment of reinsertion into society for the prevention and non-recidivism of crime
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Introduction. The comprehensive rehabilitation and social reintegration of persons deprived of liberty (PPL) in Ecuador are crucial aspects for society. The impact of this process on this vulnerable group is undeniable, given that it has repercussions at both the individual and collective levels. In this context, it is the primary responsibility of the State to ensure effective compliance with rehabilitation as a preventive measure to reduce recidivism and lower crime rates. However, the effectiveness of the Ecuadorian penitentiary system and the deficient role of the State in the treatment of PPL pose significant challenges. Objective. The objective of this research is to define the scope of the Ecuadorian penitentiary system and to examine the lack of state efficiency in the treatment of PWPs. It seeks to provide timely tools and mechanisms that can be applied before, during and after the internment of PPL. Through an analytical-synthetic methodological approach and using the bibliographic or documentary technique, information was gathered on the current situation of the penitentiary system and its impact on the PPL, their families and society in general. Methodology. An exhaustive compilation of information was carried out using the bibliographic or documentary technique. The methodological approach adopted was analytical-synthetic, allowing for a detailed analysis of the situation of the prison system and its influence on the PPL and society as a whole. Various sources were examined in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the system's crisis, especially its origin in the lack of state action. Results. he research findings revealed a serious crisis in the Ecuadorian prison system, mainly attributable to state inaction. This crisis significantly affects the capacity for rehabilitation and social reintegration of the PPL, generating negative consequences for society as a whole. Conclusion. It is imperative that the State adopt timely and adequate measures to strengthen the process of social rehabilitation of PWPs. This implies the effective implementation of public policies, relevant legislation, adequate protocols, technical and economic tools, as well as the execution of projects with rigorous monitoring of the objectives and results obtained.
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