Ineffectiveness of the criminal type of psychological violence in the city of Cuenca, province of Azuay, in the first quarter of 2021
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Introduction: The prevalence of violence against women over the years has stimulated the establishment of programmers aimed at achieving non-violence against women, at the international level, as well as numerous national and international policy reforms designed to protect women from the violence they suffer. Objectives: The objective is to demonstrate whether this criminalization can be considered as a sufficient response to prevent all types of violence, and even to eradicate it, becoming a true solution to society, by addressing not only a series of preventive policies, but also of care, protection, and reparation of the female victim. Methodology: A quantitative analysis of the cases processed by the Specialized Units on Gender Violence of the Provincial Prosecutor's Office of Azuay was conducted. Results: It was possible to define that the crime typified in the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code of Psychological Violence against Women and Members of the Family Nucleus, in its amended article 157, is not a legal solution that can demonstrate its effectiveness. Conclusions: To encourage victims of psychological violence to report or seek justice, alternative measures should be implemented to promote comprehensive psychological reparation through public policies. General Area of Study: Law. Specific area of study: Gender-based violence.
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