Sustainable construction of public space for the city of Riobamba-Ecuador; specific case Plaza Abdón Calderón
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Introduction: The studies conducted by UN-Habitat deduce that cities in developing countries have a limited area designated for public spaces, green areas, and buildings. In large part, the new public spaces prioritize motorized transportation, leaving pedestrian mobility with unplanned sidewalks and a scarcity of green areas. The city of Riobamba is not immune to this problem; it faces a deficit of public spaces that could enhance the quality of life for its residents. The Dolorosa sector lacks sustainable public spaces, with a low QLI and a public space usage frequency of 31.52%, according to (Lopez & Deley, 2021). Objective: Propose a proposal for sustainable public space for the city of Riobamba, Ecuador; specific case Abdon Calderon Square that contributes economically, socially, and environmentally to the study sector. Methodology: The research approach is qualitative-quantitative; qualitative, since it is necessary to identify the qualities of the sector, bibliographic exploration of guidelines and sustainable strategies. Quantitative, to evaluate the degree of affectation through a diagnosis to the study site and provide efficient solutions that respond to the context and social reality. Results: The spaces proposed in the proposal are based on sustainable design guidelines, including Local Integration, Proximity, Vitality, Scale, Level of inclusivity, Quantity and quality of furniture, Integration of nature, Materials, Legibility, and Visibility of a sustainable public space. Conclusion: The relevant design guidelines on the issue of sustainability were found in international entities such as: habitat III, Sustainable Site and LEED V4 and through a global analysis of these sources, a table of design indicators for sustainable public space was generated that served for the sustainable approach and qualification of it.
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