B-learning in the teaching-learning process in technical high school accounting competency
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Introduction: the evolution of technology in the classroom has revolutionized teaching and has allowed wider access to educational resources, greater flexibility in teaching and better implementation, while improving students' comprehension and retention of information. Objective: analyze how the implementation of B-Learning, through a virtual classroom specifically designed for teaching general accounting, affects the teaching-learning process in technical high school. In addition, its impact on the educational quality and professional preparation of students is evaluated. Methodology: the research used a non-experimental cross-sectional design, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study was exploring in nature and the inductive method was used to interpret the data. The sample consisted of 160 students and 6 accounting teachers from the Isabel de Godín Educational Unit. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data. Results: the results indicate that 72% of the students’ perceived improvements in their understanding of the topics thanks to these methodologies, and 69% consider that virtual classrooms facilitate learning. In addition, 68% of students prefer to use these types of classrooms to enrich their classes. However, there are still problems related to access to technology and preference for traditional teaching methods, which is reflected in the negative responses ranging from 9% to 17%. Conclusion: in conclusion, through this study it has been possible to determine that the implementation of B-Learning, specifically, the use of virtual classrooms in the teaching of accounting in the technical high school of general accounting, achieves a significant superiority in the understanding of complicated accounting concepts. The results confirm the advantages of digital tools and interactive exercises. General area of study: Education. Specific area of study: General Accounting. Type of study: Original articles.
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