Digital tools to strengthen teachers teaching methodology
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Introduction: digital tools have experienced a rapid and effective integration, playing a fundamental role in the creation and management of educational environments. As a result, the digital tools used by teachers in their daily work can also be aligned and implemented coherently within their educational planning. Objective: To analyze and promote the integration of digital tools in the daily work of teachers of basic areas as a methodological strategy to enrich the educational process. Methodology: The type of research conducted is of a descriptive correlational nature since this approach allows establishing relationships between variables by identifying patterns and trends in the data collected. In addition, the problem posed has been approached systematically, taking into consideration the specific characteristics of the educational community. Results: The results reveal the current panorama of the methodology used by teachers in their classes, where most of them recognize the importance of the use of digital tools in accordance with technological advances. However, the research also points out the lack of adequate equipment necessary to implement their proposals and innovations. Conclusion: The implementation of digital tools in the teaching process can significantly improve the quality of the learning process of students by providing a more interactive and practical environment; in addition, the training of teachers in the effective use of digital tools is crucial to maximize their potential in the classroom and promote more effective learning. General area of study: Education. Specific area of study: Teacher training.
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