Virtual classroom for technical baccalaureate students and academic performance associated with family dysfunctionality
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Introduction. The family is the first social and affective contact that allows interaction with other people in different situations. However, there are family environments that have a negative influence on family members. In this context, they can destabilize the home by not assuming the roles that correspond to them, especially that of providing security. In this sense, interaction should be allowed where interest in the children is reflected, focused on achieving their development in different areas such as social, physical, and educational. Objective. This research contributes to the approach of a virtual classroom to improve academic performance and provide support to students at the technical high school in the teaching-learning process; this will help to improve their quality of life and social development with the full support and willingness of the entire educational community. For this reason, the present work is based on achieving the proposed objectives according to the needs evidenced during the development of the same. Methodology. The methodology used was based on field research, non-experimental, with a qualitative methodological approach that includes the analysis of the R.H. Moos Test instruments, survey, and interviews, conducted with students, parents, and teachers of the Technical Baccalaureate on Accounting specialty of the High School November 8th in the province of Bolivar, San Miguel canton, Balsapamba parish. A participatory methodological process was used, incorporating sampling techniques. Results. Within the information obtained from parents, the best result was question 8, since it shows the acceptance of a virtual classroom to strengthen academic performance with the interaction of parents, students, and teachers; it is stated that 47.1% would use it. Likewise, 27.1% of the respondents stated that they would use it. Meanwhile, 17.1% indicated that they would use it sometimes, 2.9% rarely, and 5.8% never. Having more than 80% acceptance of the implementation of the virtual classroom to reinforce the academic activities of students with low performance of the 70 students with family dysfunction. Conclusion. This study addresses the problem of students with low academic performance associated with family dysfunctionality and it is proposed as a methodological strategy to counteract its effects. General area of study: Education. Specific area of study: Technical Baccalaureate in Accounting. Type of study: Original articles.
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