Associated complications on neurodevelopmental effects in premature to term infants: systematic review
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Introduction: Complications of prematurity are the main causes of suffering some type of disability until death, this presents with a high health risk at the neurological level in the long term. General objective: To analyze the impact on the associated complications on neurodevelopment in preterm infants until reaching the equivalent of term. Methodology: As for the process, it will be carried out following the recommendations established in the PRISMA declaration, it will also work with Scopus, PubMed and Web of Science databases, the period of the publications will be from 2016 to 2021, obtaining 13 articles for their respective analysis. Main results: In short, this methodology will allow us to obtain an idea about the impact in relation to complications in prematurity at the neurodevelopmental level, however, the challenge of this article is to obtain recent findings related to neurological changes associated with prematurity and its impact on possible disabilities. Conclusion: It is clear that this is an area that deserves a stronger research approach to identify the modifiable factors that shape the development of these very vulnerable preterm infants.
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