Influence of a higher fairing on the pulling force of a truck
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Introduction: The consumption of diesel fuel in the country represented 36.61 [%] of the demand for petroleum derivatives in 2019, which is why it seeks to propose savings alternatives in the land freight transport sector. For this reason, the influence of an upper cabin fairing (windbreaker) on the drag force, which is generated when the truck moves forward, displacing a large amount of air that flows through the exterior and interior of the truck, was analyzed. Objective: To analyze the influence of a higher fairing on the drag force of a truck using the one-dimensional equation of the drag force and computational fluid dynamics software. Methodology: This effect was estimated using the one-dimensional drag force equation, which relates the drag coefficient, air density, frontal area, air speed and truck speed, with the help of a software of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), which requires a simplified geometry at 1: 1 scale of the truck and the upper fairing, the domain is generated and the boundary conditions governing the physical phenomenon are taken. Results: A decrease of 0.102 [kN] is obtained at a truck speed of 40 [km / h], as the speed increases to 120 [km / h], the force decreases by 0.788 [kN]. Conclusions: There is a reduction of 8.734 [%] in the drag force when using the upper cabin fairing, this is complemented by the study carried out on fuel consumption on the road where there is a saving of 4.63 [%] with the use of the upper cabin fairing.
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