Dermatological manifestations associated with Covid - 19 in children: A literature review

Introduction. SARS-CoV-2 (SC2) is the causal agent of COVID-19 (C-19), this disease has become one of the biggest problems, generating a global health crisis, with a lower range of prevalence at the pediatric level. On the other hand, skin manifestations have become a common feature of C-19 positive infants. However, even when at the pediatric level there is a representative population of positive cases for C-19 associated with skin lesions, studies worldwide in this social group have been extremely limited. Goal. To determine the dermatological manifestations associated with C-19 in children: A Bibliographic Review. Methodology. The research was directed in a non-experimental way, under a qualitative and quantitative approach, using information from secondary sources, only published Scientific Articles of medical origin, belonging to the databases: PUBMed, Scielo, Intramed and Sciencedirect, were selected. managed to form a group of ten articles which were identified as suitable for the development of the investigation. Results. It was possible to describe the most relevant details according to the criteria of different authors, who consider that dermatological manifestations have achieved a high existence and prevalence in children, the most representative being chilblain-type lesions, erythema, and acute acral eruptions. Conclusion. Through the literature review carried out, it has been possible to confirm that C-19 maintains a high prevalence in the pediatric population, although the vast majority of the presence of the disease is asymptomatic, being one of the main manifestations, to identify the disease, lesions of skin origin, the same that can occur both in the early stages of infection, as in the last, and can even be present as a reaction to the medications given to the patient.

Viviana María Alarcón Veliz, Nancy Toledo Santana

Thyroid function disorders in outpatient patients of the IESS-Macas Hospital period 2021

Introduction. Thyroid diseases continue to be very frequent pathologies in the population worldwide, they constitute a great impact on health systems, which translates into large items destined for its treatment. Objetive. Characterize the pathologies of Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism based on their prevalence in patients who attend the Outpatient Area of ​​the HD-IESS Macas Ambulatory Surgical Clinical Center, period 2021. Method. Descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative research with a documentary and retrospective design during the period of January-December 2021. The sample corresponded to 620 patient records. Results. A frequency of 41,8% of alterations in thyroid function was presented, in addition, the main characteristics of the patients included age (between 30 and 64 years) with 66,0%, Sex (Female 83,4%). Only 2,7% of the patients presented low TSH values, considering them Hyperthyroid patients, in contrast to high TSH values ​​in 39,1% of Hypothyroid patients and 58,2% of the patients presented normal TSH values, representing this percentage to healthy or Euthyroid patients. Conclusion. It was determined that the female sex presented a higher frequency of cases associated with thyroid function disorders with greater emphasis on hypothyroidism. The age group that prevailed was that of older adults.

Jackeline García Mejía, Edmundo Estevez Montalvo


Carbapenemic resistant enterobacteria in the hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso in the year 2019-2020

Introduction. Resistance to carbapenems is defined as the production of enzymes capable of inactivating the action of antibiotics. However, due to the alarming increase in resistance, they are used more frequently, leading to increased resistance. Carbapenems are broad-spectrum β-lactams with bactericidal activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. And they are considered as reserve antibiotics. Objetive: The objective of this research is to describe the frequency of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae from the results of antibiograms in clinical isolates. of the Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital during the 2019-2020 period. Methods: The study is descriptive, secondary documentary. Results: The investigation compiled a total universe of 3732 positive cultures, those that presented resistance to carbapenems were 400, which corresponds to 10.7% of isolates, the male gender was the most representative with 60.2% compared to 39.75% of the Female gender. The frequency analysis showed that the emergency area was the most representative with 59.8% followed by hospitalization with 31.3% and ICU with 7.9%. In the analysis by type of sample, resistance was observed in respiratory secretions with 54.2%. Regarding the bacterial species, the predominance of Klebsiella pneumoniae was evidenced with 86%, compared to 14% of other species. Conclusions: In the present work, it suggests an increase in cases of resistance to carbapenems in comparison with the different types of samples studied, with a predominance of respiratory secretions, with the dominance of Klebsiella pneumonia against the other bacterial species.

Juan Carlos Tapia Peñafiel, Enmanuel Isidoro Guerrero Quiroz, Karla Estefanía Pacheco Cárdenas


Characterization of the urinary infection acquired in the IESS Macas community period 2019-2020

Introduction. Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) are one of the main reasons for consultation in the primary care setting, due to the increase in antibacterial resistance. Objetive: To characterize the prevalence of urinary tract infections and the antimicrobial susceptibility profile in enterobacteria isolated from patients from Morona Santiago province - Ecuador. Method: This research was descriptive of documentary design. The population was 1488 records of urine cultures, compiled from the database of the microbiology laboratory of the Hospital del Día Macas Outpatient Surgical Clinical Center, in the period from January 2019 to December 2020. The data were processed through descriptive statistics, analysis frequency and chi squarE. Results: The prevalence of UTI was 55.6%; the main etiological agents were: E. coli (88.0%), Klebsiella spp., (7.5%), and Proteus spp. (2.4%). UTIs and E. coli infection were statistically higher in adult women. The highest frequency of E. coli resistance was for cefazolin (42.4%), sulfamethoxazole trimethoprim (40.6%), norfloxacin (38.0%), nalidixic acid (34.3%) and ciprofloxacin (31.4 %) in Klebsiella spp. was norfloxacin (7.5%), cefazolin (7.2%), cefuroxime (4.5%), levofloxacin (3.8%) and ampicillin sulbactam (3.5%). Conclusion. The causal agent and the most frequent of urinary tract infections continues to be E. coli. Empirical treatment of UTI, at the author's discretion, should include gentamicin, amikacin, and nitrofurantoin.

Jhoanna García Mejía, Carmen Lucía López Cisneros


Research: microorganisms in raw materials from establishments vs. training for handlers in a public university

Introduction: Good Manufacturing Practices -BPM- are relevant when selecting raw materials for food preparation; also considering that the one who handles food must be very well trained to select said raw materials and thereby avoid food contamination; For this reason, this article will indicate whether the establishments of a Public University manage to avoid food contamination. Objectives: The objective of this article is to demonstrate and contribute that the food samples obtained in food establishments comply with food safety and on the other hand it is intended to compare and interpret that, if there are frequent microorganisms, these can be isolated from the food obtained from food establishments, but with training in good manufacturing practices they can improve the selection of raw materials. Methodology: 455 results obtained in the microbiological food control laboratory of the Public University of Guatemala were considered and frequent analysis of the fecal contamination indicator, which is Escherichia coli, was performed; Subsequently, a second surveillance of pathogenic microorganisms present in the food was carried out, to which two or more pathogens were carried out on more than one food, depending on the processed food, and with this, it was compared to the acceptability values ​​of the Central American Regulation-RTCA-. Finally, 18 -BPM- trainings were conducted; Finally, for its analysis, the Excel program for the Interpretation of results was applied. Results: Of the 455 samples analyzed, they had Escherichia coli as an indicator of fecal contamination; Therefore, a second sampling was carried out to determine pathogenic microorganisms, indicating that there were 215 foods and it was made from the same food, between 1 and 3 more frequent pathogens that are concentrated in said raw material; for which it was a total of 600 microbiological analyses; of these results were presented within a range outside the acceptability parameter, 14.12% (12) presented Coliform Group, 98.82% (84) E. coli, 96.49% (110) Molds and yeasts and 75% (78) Aerobic Count Total. Conclusions: Good Manufacturing Practices -BPM- should be implemented in establishments, as well as training handlers at least twice a year; to achieve increased hygiene and food safety and thereby maintain food safety limits in said establishments.

Brenda Regina López Cárcamo


Risk factors for acute surgical abdomen in the elderly. Systematic review

The acute abdomen in the elderly can typically manifest itself through abdominal pain and alterations in the gastrointestinal transit, however it can also manifest itself with a deterioration of the general condition and alterations in the genitourinary system. The objective of this research was based on determining the risk factors of acute surgical abdomen in the elderly through the systematic review methodology, through the selection of documents such as scientific articles and degree works that met a series of inclusion criteria for subsequent review and analysis, as a result it was possible to determine that there are various risk factors in older adults with a diagnosis of acute abdomen, which end in surgery, since some people over 65 years of age have underlying pathologies, which affect your recovery process in the postoperative period. Conclusion. Sometimes a timely diagnosis is difficult because the elderly patient presents atypical symptoms that are difficult to diagnose, so it is necessary for the treating physician to have complementary tests, including laboratory, imaging and CT scans that allow a more accurate diagnosis. certainty, and speed in patients and thus reduce surgical risks or death in the patient by controlling every detail without ruling out any present symptoms.

Carlos Luis Salvador Fernández, Alexandra María Alvarado Álvarez, Steven Javier Berruz Alvarado
