Bronchial asthma and physical exercise. Manifestations in the elderly

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Adriana Mederos González
Eddy Herrera Fraga


The global prevalence of asthma varies between 1% and 18% depending on the country, even within the same country it varies from region to region and depending on the ethnic group analyzed. The prevalence traditionally accepted in our country is 8.2%, slightly higher in women than in men and in individuals from urban and coastal areas.

It is more frequent among children than among adults, with a male / female ratio of approximately 1.5 in childhood, q in late adolescence and below, and 1 during adulthood. The maximum values, even with interregional differences, come to be detected in the rich populations and those of Anglo-Saxon origin in both hemispheres, as well as certain countries in Central and South America.


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How to Cite
Mederos González, A., & Herrera Fraga, E. (2019). Bronchial asthma and physical exercise. Manifestations in the elderly . Anatomía Digital, 2(2), 18-42.