The effects of cooperative learning on reading comprehension


Noemi Mercedes Remache Carrillo
Mariela Germania Pilco Labre
Viviana Vanessa Yanez Valle


This study aimed to determine the influence of cooperative learning in reading comprehension of high school students at Unidad Educativa “Riobamba” during 2017-2018 school period. For the assessment of the validity and effectiveness of this research, a pre-test and a post-test were applied based on the Cambridge PET (Preliminary English Test) exam, reading section. That exam was composed of two parts: the first was carried out through a cooperative work in pairs and the second part, taking into consideration the cooperative work in groups of four students. A didactic guide for the teacher was designed and applied in the classroom. After that, the analysis of data was made before and after applying the intervention. The teacher's guide was designed to put cooperative learning strategies such as jig-saw, think-pair-share, and reciprocal questioning into action. Three stages of reading were used namely before reading, during reading, and after reading. After the implementation of the proposal, the data analysis was performed using the T-student mathematical test. It is concluded that the students improved their reading comprehension through cooperative work in pairs and in groups as well. It was recommended that teachers practice cooperative learning in the classroom to improve students' reading comprehension in order to optimize their development in English language learning.


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Como Citar
Remache Carrillo, N. M., Pilco Labre, M. G., & Yanez Valle, V. V. (2019). The effects of cooperative learning on reading comprehension. Explorador Digital, 3(3.1), 143-163.


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