Territorial tourism management of natural spaces


Miguel Espinosa Cuartas
Juan Ernesto Gutiérrez Leyva
Yudemir Cruz Pérez
Yolanda Tatiana Carrasco Ruano


Introduction: territorial tourism management in natural spaces has had a hegemonic approach in those territories that have protection categories. This ignores the potential offered by unprotected natural spaces for territorial tourism development. Although unprotected natural spaces have economic, political, and social institutions, as well as resources and attractions for their tourism development, there is no model or guide that directs the relationship between the actors that make them up. Objectives: The purpose of the research was to frame the theoretical context of tourism management in natural spaces. Methodology: The research required the review of numerous articles that had their center in tourism and land planning, arriving at several results. Results: Although scientific research on tourism and territorial management in natural spaces is important, relevant aspects go unnoticed. There is a lack of scientific research and practical examples of tourism management in unprotected natural areas organized and structured in a way that helps create value for the community and the tourism sector. Conclusions: The theoretical background provided also allowed to identify the necessary linkage of social, economic, political, and environmental actors in tourism planning that constitute the main force that drives and enhances growth and sustainability. General area of study: Tourism. Specific study area: Management of tourist destinations.


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Como Citar
Espinosa Cuartas, M., Gutiérrez Leyva, J. E., Cruz Pérez, Y., & Carrasco Ruano, Y. T. (2023). Territorial tourism management of natural spaces. Explorador Digital, 7(3), 6-23. https://doi.org/10.33262/exploradordigital.v7i3.2608


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