Enseñanza del idioma inglés en una escuela rural

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Evelyn Estefania Lucero Chillagana
Beatriz Margarita Tigasi Chiluisa
Fabiola Soledad Cando Guanoluisa


English is one of the most widely spoken languages around the world, so it is necessary to teach it in all institutions. This study focused on identifying realities of English language education in a rural school of Latacunga. This research was a qualitative descriptive study that used semi-structured interviews and observation as data collection methods. The results of interviews conducted to seven members of the educational community revealed that the lack of teaching resources, the scarcity of English teachers, the low students’ motivation, and poor educational environment are some of the most common problems that this school faces. Moreover, data collected by means of observation reveals that the school facilities need to be improved to promote better learning experiences. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize the effort made by the school community in maintaining a stable institution.


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Lucero Chillagana, E. E., Tigasi Chiluisa, B. M., & Cando Guanoluisa, F. S. (2023). Enseñanza del idioma inglés en una escuela rural. Explorador Digital, 7(1), 64-85. https://doi.org/10.33262/exploradordigital.v7i1.2458


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