Educommunication and rescue of Shuar gastronomy

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Rosa Marina Orellana Cuji
Diego Eduardo Apolo Buenaño
Luis Bolívar Cabrera Berrezueta


The field of gastronomy is overly broad and when talking about the rescue of traditions that are being lost with the passage of time, and the lack of attention of youth, Educommunication strategies should be implemented to encourage young people to learn about these traditions and promote tourism. The objective of this work is to promote Shuar gastronomy through Educommunication, using qualitative methodology, with a descriptive and exploratory approach, and used as a tool for collecting information based on surveys, obtaining favorable results for the implementation of Educommunication to promote tourism while maintaining the tradition of Shuar gastronomy. Concluding that the research project addressed all the mentioned objectives and fulfilled an innovative proposal for the community of Santa Rosa de Mamanguy, located in the province of Morona Santiago, Ecuador.


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How to Cite
Orellana Cuji, R. M., Apolo Buenaño, D. E., & Cabrera Berrezueta, L. B. (2022). Educommunication and rescue of Shuar gastronomy. Explorador Digital, 6(3), 197-207.
Author Biography

Diego Eduardo Apolo Buenaño, Universidad Católica de Cuenca

The field of gastronomy is overly broad and when talking about the rescue of traditions that are being lost with the passage of time, and the lack of attention of youth, Educommunication strategies should be implemented to encourage young people to learn about these traditions and promote tourism. The objective of this work is to promote Shuar gastronomy through Educommunication, using qualitative methodology, with a descriptive and exploratory approach, and used as a tool for collecting information based on surveys, obtaining favorable results for the implementation of Educommunication to promote tourism while maintaining the tradition of Shuar gastronomy. Concluding that the research project addressed all the mentioned objectives and fulfilled an innovative proposal for the community of Santa Rosa de Mamanguy, located in the province of Morona Santiago, Ecuador.


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