Validation of labor competencies for the position of Commercial Clerk at the Caracol Varadero Commercial Branch

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Iris Caridad Gómez Bello
Yulainis Inés Rabain Durant
Estrella Felipa Acosta Corzo


The main goal of this work is to validate the labor competencies of the position of Shop Clerk at the Caracol Varadero Este Commercial Branch, by applying here an integrating methodological procedure that guarantees the success of the Competencies Management System. This system is divided into two parts, the first is dedicated to the characterization of the organization and the diagnosis of the human capital integrated management. The second deals with the methodology to be used, starting from the results obtained from the employment of that methodology. This work is a new and an available tool for the organization, that allowed to draft the position professiogram and integrate it to the position profile which is the base to increase the organization`s productivity, efficiency and effectiveness with view to a continue improvement. The solutions resulted from the competencies approach application originated a group of improvements that are a reference framework to be used in organizations to strengthen the Integrated Human Capital Management System.


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How to Cite
Gómez Bello, I. C., Rabain Durant, Y. I., & Acosta Corzo, E. F. (2022). Validation of labor competencies for the position of Commercial Clerk at the Caracol Varadero Commercial Branch. Explorador Digital, 6(3), 73-82.


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