Intercultural Communication and Interpretation of Heritage: Role of the Tourism Guide in Mediation

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Alberto Alejandro Morales Domínguez


This study investigates the treatment of certain intercultural situations within the framework of the heritage interpretation carried out by our tour guides. Its objective is centered on the creation of a conceptual scaffolding to promote intercultural competence. It begins with a discussion about the role of the tour guide before mediation in the intercultural setting. It is considered that the development of intercultural competence has not been sufficiently studied in courses for language improvement in the Cuban tourism sector. It is pertinent to develop distance training for the development of intercultural competence in tourist guides and to make use of the theory of mediation in their professional context. The paper considered a new definition of intercultural competence; Its development will be supported by training within the framework of heritage interpretation. Blended learning was proposed to assume the design and application of the training.


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How to Cite
Morales Domínguez, A. A. (2022). Intercultural Communication and Interpretation of Heritage: Role of the Tourism Guide in Mediation. Explorador Digital, 6(2), 199-211.


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