Verifying factor analysis of the SERVQUAL tool in accommodation. Amazon Ecuador
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The present research topic “Verifying factor analysis of the SERVQUAL tool in accommodation. Amazonia Ecuador” responds to the growth of the tourist accommodation offer that in recent years has been concentrated in the urban area of the canton in which 108 establishments are registered in the different categories that offer their services without having a real knowledge of the perception and expectations of its users. The objective of the work was to evaluate the quality of the services offered by the 3-star lodging establishments of the Urbana de Tena parish. It was developed as a qualitative investigation for the compilation of previous information of the investigation variables and quantitative for the processing and analysis of the data obtained in the field investigation. Based on an analysis of the level of professionalization of the workers of the accommodation establishments, a compilation is made on the quality of the services provided through the SERVQUAL model, using the survey as a technique, applied to a randomly selected sample. Finally, they used statistics such as Cronbach's alpha and confirmatory analysis that determined the factors that influence the quality of the services provided. When applying the SERVQUAL model to accommodation establishments in the city of Tena, it was found that expectations, measured by tangible aspects, reliability, response capacity, security and empathy are considered important for the client, since the average score obtained from the survey applied to these was located in the range of 6.01 and 6.78, which corresponds to a high expectation, and the confirmatory factor analysis determined that from the SERVQUAL questionnaire that 2 items do not meet the individual reliability >0,50
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