Organizational influence on tourism development in Guamote, Ecuador

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Gabriela Elizabeth Proaño Lucero


The main objective of the present work was to determine the influence of the local municipal tourist organization on the tourist development of the Guamote canton, province of Chimborazo. Offering reliable and updated information to achieve an adequate management of the territory, and to be able to generate multiple benefits to the local inhabitants, framed in the objectives and guidelines that the governmental institution has to achieve the integral tourism development. Specifically, within the Tourism Unit and thus contribute to strengthening local tourism development, based on the situational analysis, detecting shortcomings, considering the entity as a public enterprise aimed at improving the provision of services to enhance tourism in the canton. For the information survey, two populations were considered, the service providers and the economically active population, in order to know the existing reality in the territory for decision making that would satisfy the needs of the sector with viable proposals that would further increase the institutional image of the municipality. The work involved statistical processes carried out in the SPSS software, version 25; such as the cronbach alpha that determined the reliability of the instruments, the analysis and interpretation of the results; and finally the testing of the hypothesis with chi-square determining in this way the existing dependence between the organization and the tourist development.


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How to Cite
Proaño Lucero, G. E. (2020). Organizational influence on tourism development in Guamote, Ecuador. Explorador Digital, 4(3), 92-109.


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