Activity proposal to strengthen collaborative learning in eighth-year students of basic education

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Andrea Cecibel Sarmiento Crespo
Diana Cecilia González Maldonado


Introduction: Collaborative learning is a learning methodology that allows strengthening the comprehensive development of students. Objectives: The objective of this research work is to propose a proposal for activities to strengthen collaborative learning in students in the eighth year of basic education at the José Benigno Iglesias Educational Unit in the city of Biblián to enhance the teaching-learning process. of the students. Methodology: The methodology used in this study is: the historical-logical method to resort to bibliographic queries with the purpose of studying the concepts, links, and general laws of the teaching process in collaborative learning to specify theoretical concepts of the research object. A mixed approach using the survey technique through a questionnaire as an instrument based on 10 questions previously selected and applied to 35 students of this establishment, to know the problems that students face to properly apply this methodology Results: once the survey, the results were tabulated where it is evident that the students knew this learning methodology, but did not develop it adequately, but with new activities they achieved significant learning. Conclusions: In conclusion, collaborative learning was strengthened using projects in students. General Study Area: Education. Specific area of ​​study: Basic Education.


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How to Cite
Sarmiento Crespo, A. C., & González Maldonado, D. C. (2023). Activity proposal to strengthen collaborative learning in eighth-year students of basic education. Explorador Digital, 7(4), 67-79.


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