Methodological proposal for the development of literacy skills in students from 6 to 7 years
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Introduction: The lack of implementation of the game to improve reading and writing is a problem that grows in the first years of schooling, which if a change in methodology is not sought will cause the students to lose interest in reading. -writing throughout the learning stage. Objectives: Therefore, the objective of this research focuses on identifying various methods and active mechanisms linked to the game, allowing students from 7 years old Methodology: The present research is descriptive with quantitative data design, presenting the variables through graphic representations, which was executed with a stratified random sampling of 35 students from the E.E.B “Miguel Morocho” of the Tarqui Parish of the Cuenca Canton. Results: Once the survey was applied, the results were tabulated where it was evident that students want their learning to be based on games in an innovative, motivating, and creative way, allowing them to develop their knowledge and making the student the main manager of acquiring and building their knowledge. To comply with what was proposed, we start with the following proposals. Conclusion: We can conclude by making known the importance of the application of the game within learning in students at the age of 6 to 7 years, which allows them to strengthen their abilities and develop the literacy process in a playful way. through various methodologies that allow the development of reading and writing in the first years of schooling. General Study Area: Education. Specific area of study: Reading and writing.
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