Aplicación duolingo en el desarrollo de la comprensión oral
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Introduction: The following research shows that today there are advanced information and communication technologies available. For this reason, making use of e-learning and online learning in educational institutions seems to be a fundamental necessity. Objectives: The study aims to determine the use of the Duolingo application in the oral comprehension of the students of the language center of UNIANDES University. The article explains about the implementation of applications and how such gamification activities have induced and motivated to generate new learning skills, which facilitates the oral comprehension of students. It has been analyzed that, through audios, games, videos, and multimedia images, it develops the learning style and context. Methodology: The project has a qualitative-quantitative approach within a descriptive-explanatory level since it is based on real data. The research instruments are a survey, the standard First Certificate in English (FCE) test to establish the students' level of listening comprehension and a post-test (FCE) to analyze how the application influences the students' performance in this skill. Results: After analyzing and interpreting the results, the English level of fourth level students was identified to suggest the use of Duolingo to enhance listening comprehension. Conclusions: As a result, is the development of an activity manual that includes Duolingo with the intention of generating innovative activities aimed at fostering better levels of listening comprehension among students. Area of study: Linguistic Education.
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