Quality of tourist service and customer satisfaction in the Guano canton, province of Chimborazo
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Introduction. Guano known as the "Artisan Capital of Ecuador", is an ancient town that has a long and vast history; therefore, Guano would enhance its tourism by giving customer satisfaction. Objective. This research work is to analyze the influence between the quality of the tourist service and customer satisfaction in the establishments of the Guano canton, Chimborazo province. Methodology. The research design used was non-experimental, cross-sectional, the type of research was qualitative, descriptive, and correlational. The validation of the research instrument through Cronbach's alpha, questionnaires under the Likert scale, the investigated analysis unit was 15 food and beverage establishments and 334 tourists. In the SPSS software, with chi square, the hypotheses were verified. Results. It is shown that there is no considerable influence between the quality of the tourist service and tourist satisfaction. At the same time, the dimensions related to processes, service, improvement, expectation, experience, and perception are described and characterized. Conclusion. In the environment in which the research was conducted, there is no considerable influence between the quality of the tourist service and customer satisfaction in the Guano canton. Science area. Tourism, biosecurity, dissatisfaction, satisfaction, quality.
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