Self-esteem, sociocultural level, and geographical location as factors that affect students learning in English language at the IST “Riobamba”
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Introduction: English is the most widely spoken language around the world, for this reason English language teaching has been implemented in educational centers in Ecuador since 1992. However, according to the EF EPI (English Proficiency Index), Ecuador is positioned among the countries with a low level of English. Many people will say that it is due to teachers who do not use adequate teaching methods and resources or that the current educational system is outdated. These could be the causes, but there are also many external factors. Objective: For this reason, the objective of this research focuses on identifying self-esteem, sociocultural level and geographic location as factors that affect the learning of the English language in students of “Instituto Superior Technologic Riobamba.” Methodology: The research was conducted with students of the first semester of “IST Riobamba” with a sample of fifty students. The technique applied was the survey and the instrument used was the questionnaire. Results: Once the survey was conducted, the results were tabulated, where it was evidenced that self-esteem, sociocultural level, and geographical location influence in the learning process of the English language and then, with better motivation techniques, said teaching-learning process would be improved. Conclusion: In conclusion, through incentives for students, the importance of the language will be made known, achieving a favorable result in their performance towards this foreign language.
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