Emotions and academic performance in upper basic students
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Introduction: The research focused on 139 eighth- and ninth-year students of upper basic education in a public artistic-musical institution in the province of Cotopaxi - Ecuador. Objective: determine the correlation between academic performance and the dimensions of emotional intelligence. Methodology: a quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional investigation was carried out. For academic performance, we worked with the averages reached by students in the subjects of Language and Literature and Musical Language, while for the dimensions of emotional intelligence, the TMMS-24 test was applied, whose data was analyzed in the JASP software. Team. Results: at a general level, the results of the academic performance of the two subjects indicate a positive correlation with all the dimensions of emotional intelligence. Specifically, in Language and Literature, a considerable and directly proportional positive correlation was found between academic performance and attention to emotions (rs = 0.515; p<0.05), as well as with emotional repair (rs = 0.736; p<0.05), while with emotional clarity, the correlation was medium positive (rs = 0.134; p<0.05). In the Musical Language subject, a very strong positive correlation was found between academic performance with attention to emotions (rs = 0.796; p<0.05), while the correlation is perfect positive with emotional repair (rs = 0.948; p<0.05), and a mean positive correlation (rs = 0.486; p<0.05) with the dimension of emotional clarity. It can be concluded that students who take literary and musical subjects, as in the case of the analyzed population, reflect a positive correlation with the dimensions of emotional intelligence, that is, students who present higher academic performance also have greater control in each one of the dimensions of their emotions. Conclusions: it is suggested that more in-depth investigations be carried out on students with the profile considered in this investigation.
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