Technical efficiency of the Ecuadorian senior athletic relays 4 x 100 m in the four-year period 2016-2019
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Introduction: When talking about the modality of Ecuadorian senior athletic relays 4 x 100 m in both sexes, it is frequent to observe, within the national scope in Ecuador, that in that race the levels of technical efficiency are unknown. Objective: To determine the technical efficiency of the Ecuadorian senior athletic relays in the 4 x 100m test in the four-year period 2016-2019. Methods: The research is descriptive, documentary, and prospective, using the R&D&I criterion, as the results already existing in the databases of the Ecuadorian Athletics Sports Federation (FEA), the Provincial Sports Federation of Tungurahua, the Provincial Federations, and data from the archives of the coaches themselves were used. To do this, the sum of the individual times in 100 m of the four runners was subtracted, the competitive time in the relay 4 x 100 m. Methodology: Statistical techniques of central tendency were applied, percentile values. Results: It is possible to establish the scales to classify the Ecuadorian 100 m senior runners and the scales to determine the technical efficiency of the 4 x 100 m relays in the senior age group. Conclusions. In the research, a methodological instrument is achieved that evaluates the levels of technical efficiency of this test in both sexes.
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