Teaching support manual for the evaluation of learning through the use of teaching aids
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The evaluation of learning is an essential part of the teaching-learning process that enables us to direct it, as well as the control and evaluation of the modes of action that students acquire through the development of the teaching process, when verifying the degree with the one that the proposed objectives are reached. The objective of this research is to develop a teaching support manual for the evaluation of learning through the use of teaching aids. A development research was carried out at the Matanzas University of Medical Sciences during the school years 2017 - 2018 to 2018 - 2019. Methods of the theoretical level were used: analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive and systemic-structural; and empirical: documentary analysis of the analytical programs of the subjects that make up the Nursing discipline and methodological guidelines, observation of classes, the survey of teachers and specialists. It was evident that there are no specific orientations in the analytical programs of the subjects that make up the Nursing discipline for the development of the evaluation of learning through the use of teaching means; insufficiencies in the learning evaluation process were detected by teachers using traditional and schematic methods, lack of correspondence of questions, objectives to be evaluated and levels of assimilation, and the potentialities of the teaching means for evaluating the learning. A teaching support manual was prepared to help solve the deficiencies detected. The manual was valued by specialist criteria as pertinent, novel, useful and was a valuable tool for the self-preparation of teachers and stimulating developer learning in students.
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