Information and Communication Technologies: bases of significant learning in mathematics in university students.
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The development and implementation of new information technologies in the educational context have progressed in correspondence with changes in teaching-learning methods. In contradiction with the above, the pedagogical praxis based on the use of traditional methods for teaching - learning Mathematics still persist in the different educational settings and levels, generating low levels of performance, boredom and even the apathy of students when learning it. In accordance with what has been pointed out, this article aims to: reflect on the importance and impacts of the teaching-learning process of Mathematics, the intrinsic relationship that must exist between student-teachers and the educational means to be used, within these the proper application of ICTs, as a basic premise for achieving significant learning. Based on a search methodology, documentary reviews, inquiry and reflections on previous studies, two essential aspects are confirmed as results: the first related to the confirmation of the importance of this trilogy in the acquisition of significant learning in students and the second already our way of seeing with high significance: the need to integrate various methodological perspectives that lead to the construction of knowledge, both for teachers and students, through the significant learning model through the application of Information and Communication Technologies, all of which will favor the development of positive and critical attitudes towards mathematics by students.
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