Proposals for functional use to enhance tourism in the Artemisa Municipality as a means of local development

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Gerardo Carlos Hernández Rodríguez


The Artemisa Province is the result of the new political-administrative division approved by the National Assembly of Cuba in August 2010. Its Provincial Capital, Artemisa municipality, is economically speaking, rich in the agricultural sector (coffee and sugarcane fundamentally), also standing out the industrial sector. Tourism, has been evaluated by the Historian of the Province and based on statistics, is very poorly developed. After in-depth research based on methods such as: bibliography, analysis and synthesis, induction-deduction and also arduous field work, a set of resources and attractions could be listed that have a low level of current use but have a high potential to link them to a proposal for functional use to develop tourism in the municipality as a local development strategy. The research and the results obtained allowed to propose three tourist modalities to develop and design three activities related to these.


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How to Cite
Hernández Rodríguez, G. C. (2020). Proposals for functional use to enhance tourism in the Artemisa Municipality as a means of local development. Explorador Digital, 4(3), 51-61.


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