Musical methodological support of English lessons as pedagogical technology

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Alex Geovanny Inca Chunata
Esthela Isabel Colcha Guashpa
Sandra Leticia Guijarro Paguay
Leonardo Mauricio Martínez Paredes


This article describes the feasibility and effectiveness of music support in the English language teaching process by introducing new technologies. Based on 10 years of personal experience teaching English with songs that create a means of immersion in the atmosphere of the language. The role of songs (as one of the types of oral communication) significantly improves the assimilation and expansion of students' vocabulary, in the development of the sense of language and the knowledge of its stylistic characteristics. For the study, a group of 70 pre grade students was consider. This pedagogical technology helps to learn the English language and develops an interest in the culture of students who expand their business frontiers in international trade. It also develops students' sensitivity in pronunciation, rhythm and emotionality of the English language, helps to recognize English by ear, expands vocabulary, motivates language learning and develops aesthetic taste


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How to Cite
Inca Chunata, A. G., Colcha Guashpa, E. I., Guijarro Paguay, S. L., & Martínez Paredes, L. M. (2020). Musical methodological support of English lessons as pedagogical technology. Explorador Digital, 4(3), 6-17.


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