Niveles de estrés académico en estudiantes universitarios causados por la aplicación de métodos de evaluación alternativos en el aprendizaje del idioma inglés
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The different evaluation methods and approaches existing in the field of higher education generally provoke various psycho-behavioral reactions in university students. The objective of this work is to analyze the relationship between the application of alternative assessment in the field of language learning and the level of stress generated before during and after those assessments. The SISCO inventory of academic stress was applied to two hundred and nineteen students. Additionally, the Alpha Cronbach, and Friedman’s nonparametric statistical tests were used to process the data collected. Consequently, the research was qualitative and quantitative. The results indicated that students experience a higher level of stress when starting an evaluation, marked as peak when applying alternative assessments with an "of learning" assessment approach that measures only knowledge acquired, while in assessments with a "for learning" and "as a means of learning”- type approach, the results show a standard trend in the moments, before, during, and after the assessment. Thus, it is concluded that the most assertive way to decrease the stress levels experienced by students is by applying assessments as a means of learning.
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