Promoting the English language learning through the use of effective andragogical strategies

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Marcia Magally Paredes Acosta
Ana Jazmina Vera de la Torre
Ruth Elizabeth Infante Paredes
Alba Paulina Hernández Freire


Introduction. This research work implemented andragogical strategies for English learning in teachers of the Educational Unit "El Oro" in Ambato. Objective. Promote the English language learning through the use effective andragogical strategies. Methodology. It was used quasi-experimental research; it was executed with 30 teachers (adults) from different areas who were motivated to learn and help each other to update their knowledge of English. We worked with two groups of the population under study. Both groups were made up of 15 teachers. The experimental group was treated with an intervention proposal containing andragogical strategies, such as discussion, analysis, project elaboration, simulation, demonstrations, and problem solving, which had a series of tasks with a communicative approach through the Zoom Platform due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, the control group worked with online activities who had documents to fill grammar exercises. Both groups responded two tests: the first was taken before the intervention and the second or post-test after it. Results. The means of the two exams were compared in the pre-test and it was evidenced that the two groups of teachers had a low level of English. On the other hand, in the post-test, that is, after the intervention, the means of the two groups showed significant difference, since the experimental group experienced a considerable improvement. Conclusion. In this way, it was determined that the use of andragogic strategies helped teachers to improve their learning of the English language. Therefore, it is recommended to apply andragogic strategies for better teachers’ learning and thus, to improve their professional quality.


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Paredes Acosta, M. M., Vera de la Torre, A. J., Infante Paredes, R. E., & Hernández Freire, A. P. (2023). Promoting the English language learning through the use of effective andragogical strategies . ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 20-35.


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