Efficacy of doxycycline against doxycycline-metrodinazole and cell drainer® in the acute clinical phase in dogs with ehrlichia

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José Luis Moncayo Paz
Darwin Rafael Villamarin Barragán


Introduction. Canine Ehrlichiosis is defined as a hemoparasitic disease caused by Gram-negative bacteria. These bacteria target the target cells of leukocytes, belonging to both the granulocyte and agranulocyte groups. The disease is transmitted to dogs through ticks. Regarding the symptoms presented by patients affected by these bacteria, they are classified as mild, acute, and chronic. Aim. This study aims to compare the effect of doxycycline versus doxycycline + metrodinazole + cell drainer in the acute clinical phase in dogs with erlichia that attended the JM Veterinary Clinic. Methodology. For the development of this scientific article, the experimental research method of cross-sectional methods and observation techniques of leukograms, clinical signs of each canine in the clinic is proposed for qualitative values, the research instruments will be comparative and the study universe It will correspond to 20 dogs for treatment 1 and 20 dogs with treatment 2, descriptive statistics were used to process the data.  Results. It was determined that with treatment 2 there were 16 pets that obtained satisfactory results while with treatment 1 only 10 pets obtained satisfactory results. Conclusion. After data collection, this hypothesis is considered valid since the statistical results showed the greater effectiveness of treatment T2 compared to treatment T1. Science area: Veterinary medicine, infectious diseases, internal medicine.


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How to Cite
Moncayo Paz, J. L., & Villamarin Barragán, D. R. (2024). Efficacy of doxycycline against doxycycline-metrodinazole and cell drainer® in the acute clinical phase in dogs with ehrlichia. ConcienciaDigital, 7(1.2), 77-93. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v7i1.2.2920


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