RPG video game as a support material in the teaching of spelling in children of 10 years of age

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Rosa Fabiola Machuca Pogo
Marcelo Javier Sotaminga Cinilin
Cristián Andrés Erazo Álvarez


The present research work aims to create an RPG video game pilot that works as a virtual learning object for the teaching of spelling in the use of C, S and Z in Sixth Grade of Basic General Education. This proposal is made with a view to incorporating the use of video games as a valid tool for teaching spelling. In addition, it seeks to present the benefits associated with video games of the RPG genre that serve to improve written communication through the correct use of spelling of students in the Sixth year of Basic General Education at the La Consolación Fiscomisional school.


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How to Cite
Machuca Pogo, R. F., Sotaminga Cinilin, M. J., & Erazo Álvarez, C. A. (2022). RPG video game as a support material in the teaching of spelling in children of 10 years of age. ConcienciaDigital, 5(4), 92-108. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v5i4.2354


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