Desarrollar la habilidad de escucha del idioma inglés a través de herramientas de M-Learning. Un estudio preliminar

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Ana Jazmina Vera de la Torre
Valeria Carolina Mendoza Chavarria
Marbella Cumanda Escalante Gamazo
Dorys Maribel Cumbe Coraizaca


Introduction. In the sphere of education, mobile technology has taken on a significant role. There are numerous resources available to help us enhance our talents in areas that we are unfamiliar with. The primary goal of this research is to see how the English Listening and 6 Minute English mobile apps affect listening comprehension development. Objective. The goal of the study is to examine student acceptance of mobile technology as a methodology for learning English and building listening skills by evaluating the efficiency of the mobile apps based on improvements in students' listening skills after two months of use. Methodology. The research was conducted with 63 students from the third year of baccalaureate at the Unidad Educativa Prócer Manuel Quiroga in Santo Domingo City, Ecuador. The researcher employs standardized Pre-test and Post-Test to collect data. Results. The Wilcoxon test was used to assess all the data, and the results showed that the English Listening and 6 Minute English mobile apps had 95 percent favorable effects on the improvement of listening comprehension. Conclusion. Finally, it is concluded that English Listening and 6 Minute English are two mobile applications that teachers may trust and use to help students improve their listening comprehension. These programs offer a wide range of interactive, innovative, and instructive listening activities. Their systems are trustworthy and include accurate information that can be shared in a classroom setting. Based on the findings, teachers should use the English Listening and 6 Minute English mobile apps to help students improve their listening comprehension in English as a foreign language. Because of their originality, content, approach, and interest, these apps provide various and significant benefits to students.


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How to Cite
Vera de la Torre, A. J., Mendoza Chavarria, V. C., Escalante Gamazo, M. C., & Cumbe Coraizaca, D. M. (2023). Desarrollar la habilidad de escucha del idioma inglés a través de herramientas de M-Learning. Un estudio preliminar. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 983-994.


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