Family relational factors and the development of dysthymia in adolescents
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Introduction: Dysthymia is a poorly studied condition and being considered as a major depressive disorder is a public health problem, due to the consequences and manifestations that affect not only the individual but the entire family and social group, since it involves alterations serious and long-lasting emotional Objective: To determine the family relational factors associated with the development of dysthymia in adolescents. Methodology: Causal correlational study, of a non-experimental type, with an intentional non-probabilistic sampling; There was a sample of 98 participants, the instruments used were the Modified Birleson Scale made up of 21 questions, with a Likert-type score from 0 to 2 to identify the presence or absence of dysthymia, FACES III has 20 items, with a scale of Likert-type score of 5 alternatives to evaluate cohesion and adaptability and Social Climate Scale structured by 90 items, which assesses the socio-environmental characteristics of the family, the non-parametric chi-square test (x2) was used, allowing to estimate the relationship between family relational factors and dysthymia. Results: In relation to dysthymia, they occurred in 59.2% of adolescents. The socio-family climate is associated with the presence of dysthymia (p = 0.017), 21.8% of adolescents with dysthymia had a "Bad" family climate, while 25.6% of those who did not have dysthymia had a family climate " Okay". The degree of adaptation of the family is not related to dysthymia (p = 0.283). Conclusion: family relational factors such as inattention, independence conflicts, emotional difficulties with parents, marital conflict, negative life events in the family environment, a history of suicide attempt by a relative, family violence are related to the development of dysthymia in more than half of adolescents.
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